Contact us

Do you need a quote?

Contact the Sales department|+39 0422.764211

Do you need support for one of our services?

Our customer support team is always happy to help you. |+39 0422.764200

Not sure who you need to talk to?

Our switchboard is open Monday to Friday from 09:00am-01:00pm and 02:00pm-06:00pm |+39 0422.764200

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but don't know who to contact?
Send us your enquiry
and we will get back to you as soon as possible

Read the Privacy Policy

Having read the above information,
to Autotrasporti De Girolami S.p.a. to use the e-mail address of the interested party to carry out opinion and satisfaction surveys, transmit commercial communications containing information on their products or services

Enrico De Girolami | Sales Director

Read the Privacy Policy

Having read the above information,
to Autotrasporti De Girolami S.p.a. to use the e-mail address of the interested party to carry out opinion and satisfaction surveys, transmit commercial communications containing information on their products or services

Leonardo De Girolami | Head of Custom & Partner Network

Read the Privacy Policy

Having read the above information,
to Autotrasporti De Girolami S.p.a. to use the e-mail address of the interested party to carry out opinion and satisfaction surveys, transmit commercial communications containing information on their products or services

Enrico Casetta | Sales Executive

Read the Privacy Policy

Having read the above information,
to Autotrasporti De Girolami S.p.a. to use the e-mail address of the interested party to carry out opinion and satisfaction surveys, transmit commercial communications containing information on their products or services

with us

Having read the above information,
to Autotrasporti De Girolami S.p.a. to use the e-mail address of the interested party to carry out opinion and satisfaction surveys, transmit commercial communications containing information on their products or services

Find Us

Registered office and operational headquarter

Via Toscana 15/16,
31045 Motta di Livenza (TV)
Cap. Soc. € 2.500.000,00 i.v.

C.F. e Reg. Impr. 00537550261

P.IVA 01371220938
REA TV 126317

Iscr. Albo Autotrasp. TV/2658203/C

Our offices around the world

De Girolami
Via Pana 118,
48018 Faenza (RA)

De Girolami UK Ltd
Unit 3
West Moseley
Business Centre
Central Avenue

West Molesey
+44(0) 203 9090660

De Girolami UK Ltd
Unit 6a
Industrial Estate
Tweed Road

BS21 6RR

De Girolami UK Ltd
Unit 12
Industrial Estate
Brown Lane West
Geldard Road

LS12 6BD

De Girolami
Andrei Muresanu 21
Ap. 1

+40(0) 723 580 364

De Girolami
Russia (DGDB)
Novosushchevskaya str. 12

+7(0) 495 1500464